E23 Fantastic Beasts and How to Catch 'em All


Spencer and Ben design a real conundrum- how do you get a bunch of dangerous magical animals back in a zoo while both keeping them alive and fending off a horde of magically amplified poachers? We don't know, but be quick about it!

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E22 Quarterpocalypse Now

.08% longer than Seinfeld per episode

Ben and Spencer work up a classic dungeon dive against a legendary enemy... 's mount.

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E21 A Family Affair

No Relation to the 60s Sitcom

Spencer and Ben take on a classic fantasy premise- what do you do if a long-lost relative approaches you with a compass that doesn't point north? Don't assume they're lying- follow it, of course!

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E20 Misadventure in the Shittsville Pit

Spencer's flying unsupervised, so he brings in his longtime conspirator

Spencer and... Nathan? Do an episode?? And it's another frame-job murder/mystery???

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E19 Ace Attorney 2: World Wide Web

It's spider-based sequel time!

Spencer is absent this week, and so Ben and returning guest Evan take a train headed toward "spider based murder mystery," quickly derail it, and then proceed to see how far a derailed spider train can possibly go.

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E18 Ace Attorney: Gribbles v. Wibbles


Ben and Spencer concoct a courtroom drama / murder mystery for your tabletop endeavors.

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E17 Broke Heart Mountain

A story about a dragon and his unicorn.

Welcome back to the frozen... tropics, as we brainstorm an adventure involving a lost stuffed unicorn and a very upset calamity dragon.

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E16 That's So (Legally Distinct From) Raven

Lawyers are baffled by this one easy trick!

Ben, Spencer, and Evan make more puns than are legally abided by the geneva convention. Also, they draft an adventure around a sentient deck of illusions and the ruckus its causing.

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E15 Igsy Bigsy Spider

Threatened to crush the town... Up came the dog and knocked the spider out!

What would win? An unstoppable golem, or an immovable UpDog? Ben and Spencer put it to the test.

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.

E14 Skyrim Specialer Edition

This one is Todd's mistake.

In this one, Spencer and Ben spend nearly 15 minutes criticizing Skyrim and then brainstorm a one-shot that easily would feel comparatively bug-free in a Bethesda game. ...

Have a suggestion? Tweet your items / quest-hooks to us @DNDpod. Remember, we need some wiggle room to play around with it. Don't go overboard.

One Shot One Quill is a weekly tabletop podcast where we brainstorm quick and easy adventures based on your suggestions. Each episode is centered around a user-suggested premise, and two items that must also be included.